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$22 Anniversary Gift


Product Description

It's 2024: In honor of our 22nd anniversary, would you prayerfully consider donating a special gift of $22?

In a ministry like ours, every dollar makes a huge difference. Each gift is a huge encouragement, much needed, and greatly appreciated. Because Cadre seeks to make disciplemakers, only Heaven will reveal the full impact of your partnership.
For more details on our 2024 challenge please visit:cadremissionaries.com/anniversary

We'd love to see 300 of our closest friends respond with a special gift. If you've never supported Cadre Missionaries before, this would be a great way to start. If you're already a regular partner with God and Cadre, then please prayerfully consider an additional $22. 

Thank you for celebrating 22 years of disciplemaking with us!
Your Cadre Missionaries.

Cadre Missionaries/Cadre International are a registered and board directed not-for-profit (501c3) and as such all donations to Cadre are tax deductible. We have received a platinum status with Guidestar the non-profit watchdog.

OPTIONAL SPEED GIVING LINK—Make a simple and quick donation via paypal to Cadre Missionaries



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Product Reviews

  1. Great product! 4 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Sep 2015

    I use the Gift2Cadre: $13 donation [13 years of Disciplemaking Friendships] every day. It's very durable and should last a lifetime.

    The only reason I didn't give it 4 Stars is the packaging is very difficult to open.

  2. Amazing! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 22nd Sep 2014

    Love the opportunity to support our missionaries of encouragement. This item is a small way to celebrate a BIG God!