The best way to strengthen Sunday school, small groups, student ministry, children's ministry, men's ministry, women's ministry, Adult Bible Fellowship groups, Vacation Bible School, etc., is to strengthen the teacher.
And the best way to strengthen the teacher is to sit at the feet of the greatest teacher in this history of the world—Jesus!
In The Teaching Genius of Jesus you'll explore how you—and each person who serves with you—can become a P-E-A-C-H of a teacher...
- Preparation
- Engagement
- Authenticity
- Challenge
- Heart
BONUS: Each chapter ends with an application section filled with practical discussion questions you can use in your next teachers' meeting. PLUS, you get a FREE bonus chapter at the end of the book titled, "Re-Egineering Your Christian Education Ministry" that includes sample exit goals for each age group in the church.
How YOU Should Use this Book
1. Get each volunteer teacher and small group leader a copy of the book.
2. Have them read a chapter at home and encourage them to make notes in the book as they read.
3. Come together as a group...
a. Have them share their notes, insights, and stories in pairs.
b. Then lead them through the discussion questions at the end of the chapter for personal and group application.
c. Ask them to pair up and pray for each other.
4. Over the coming months, work through each chapter of the book (P-E-A-C-H) as outlined above.
You've known for a long time that the volunteers who serve in ministry with you need this kind of encouragement and equipping. What are you waiting for?
Dream with me for a minute:
What might God do in and through your ministry if volunteer teachers and small group leaders read, processed, and applied The Teaching Genius of Jesus?
There's only one way to find out.